About Our Chapter

Established in 1971, NEBB is the premier international certification association for firms that deliver high performance building systems. The geographical boundaries (Jurisdiction) for membership and NEBB business matters of this chapter shall be California, Hawaii and Nevada from the United States, Australia, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and Taiwan. Our chapter serves the needs of certified firms, certified professionals and certified technicians located in the areas.

NEBB exists to help architects, engineers, building owners, and contractors construct quality buildings with HVAC systems that perform in ways they have been visualized and designed. Each discipline is anchored by NEBB Procedural Standards that provides guidelines for work to be performed. NEBB has also created technical manuals, training materials, and seminars to enhance and support each discipline. NEBB certified firms meet certain criteria, ensuring strict conformance to its high standards and procedures.

Pacific Southwest NEBB Chapter provides educational seminars, certification testing and support to industry professionals that use NEBB Certified Firms on their projects.

Title 24


Title 24 ~

NEBB is an approved Non-Residential Mechanical Acceptance Test Technician Certification Provider (ATTCP) for the State of California.

Eligibility in the NEBB program is open to all qualified individuals and firms.  This includes contractors, consultants, engineering firms, and third-party certifiers. There is no requirement to be a signatory to a union; NEBB accepts both union and non-union employers and technicians.

Participation in the Technician certification program is limited to persons who have at least three years of verifiable professional experience and expertise in mechanical controls and systems of the specific acceptance test as determined by NEBB. 

Mechanical Acceptance testing was introduced in the 2005 Energy Standards. The tests are performed to ensure that equipment, systems, and controls operate as required by the Standards. These tests include visual inspections, functional testing, and certification requirements. Mechanical Acceptance tests apply to new equipment and systems installed in new construction, change-out or retrofit applications.  If an acceptance test is required, the appropriate Mechanical Acceptance Form identified by the Responsible Person in the Compliance Forms is required to be submitted to the Permit Authority before a final occupancy permit can be granted.

For more information on certification thru NEBB, contact T24@NEBB.org.

For up-to-date information on the CEC Title 24 program go to:  http://www.energy.ca.gov/title24/.

Specifications + Requirements

Every building, project or facility starts with one important document: specifications.

NEBB specifications deliver excellence to a project. When engineers and architects specify NEBB specifications in their projects, they are assured of value through NEBB's extensive experience and stringent requirements. NEBB specifications provide unparalleled value to a project.